Sunday, December 14, 2014

Opening The 14th Door And Introducing Another Housemate

Hi alltogether!

Today its on us to open the advent calender door.
Me, Draculaura....

...and me, Clawd Wolf!

Well, Clawd, who of us will open the door and who will be the one to show the readers who else lives here afterwards?

I have a good idea!

Lets throw a dice!

Oooops... where did you get this dice from so quick? However, thats a nice idea!

Okay. If it is an uneven number, I will be the one who opens, if it is an even number, it will be your turn, okay?

Okay, Clawd! Throw it, then!

It is a 1.

This means, I'll open the door.

Okay, and I'll introduce our housmate afterwards.

So, here's Nr. 14. I feel a bag....

Look, Draculaura, it's another puzzle!

Oh, fangtastic! Open it, we will put it together then we can see who it is this time!

It has again nine pieces...

I gan guess who it is! I think I know it. Lets see!!!

Yep, I guessed right! It is Frankie!

Well, I'll take it and place it to the other calendar stuff, okay? And you go on with the blog?


Well, I think Clawdeen once told you that we are not the only dolls who live in this house. If not, you know by now.
There are many other dolls and toys, and today I want to introduce one of them to you.

She is Sasha from the Bratz!
Hi Sasha.

Hi Draculaura!
Hi readers! Nice to meet you.

Thats a nice christmas dress, Sasha!

Thank you very much, Draculaura, yours too.

Mine was made by Clawdeen. Yours looks like you bought it...

Yes, it is one of my Fashion Packs. I have several. Do you want to have a quick look on them?

Oh yes, I'd love to!

Wooow, so many!

Yes, there had been many fashion for us Bratz, and I tried to get them all. I love fashion. I store them in plastic bags so that they keep save and clean and I know which ones belong together.
Some of the bags include more then one fashion, they had been multi-fashionpacks.
But I never got self made clothes like you did.

Here is the other pieces that came together with this dress and the boots I wear. A boyfriend jeans, a skirt and two tops.
Some of the pieces may fit you as well.

Oh, so cute! Would you perhaps try on one other fashion for us, Sasha?

Of course! I'll pick one of my favourites!

Here it is, a black hoodie and a jeans skirt with powder pink sports bag and silver beanie with fitting shoes.

Oh yes, this totes suits you!
Thank you for showing it to our readers!

No prob!

Its time to go now. It was nice to meet you, Draculaura, and to be in Clawdeens blog. Greet your friends!

Yes, I'll do! Bye, Sasha!

I'm back...

Aw, Clawd, you missed Sasha. But Greetings from her to you!

Oh, thank you. Gladly I am back right in time to end todays blogspot together, am I?

Yes, you are! This is all for today now,
and we say goodbye to you.

We hope you liked it.

<3 <3 <3 Draculaura <3 <3 <3


xxx Clawd Wolf!

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