Thursday, December 4, 2014

4rth Door And Some Environment Tips


Venus McFlytrap with the latest advent clendar news today!

It is still dark here and so it is not easy to shoot some pictures, but patience and a little photoshopping will do.
So, first I'll open the 4th door and afterwards I give you some tips how to save the environment at christmas.

Now, what is behind door Nr 4?

It is a red pencil. 
I agree with Viperine who opened yesterdays door that there could be a little more or worthier things in the calender, but perhaps it is not as expensive in other countries as it is in Germany.
Nevertheless, of course we can need a red pencil!
Calaminthe draws a lot and she loves office supplies,thats why she bought this calendar.

But now...

Yesterday a neighbour brought us a nice little gift which you can see at my arm.
It is a jute bag with a felt reindeer, and in it is a ceramic snowman.
Before christmas, you can find tons of tiny decorations like that.
Please don't throw them away if you don't like them yourself. Other people may like them better.

Well, I like the cute little snowman and the bag a lot.
The snowman will find a nice place in our home. Little decorations like that you maybe also could use for christmas decorations in your doll houses.
After christmas, put them away carefully in a box for next year.

Little bags like this are also perfect for dolls, as you can see.
I love this bag, its perfect for my christmas shopping.

Please save the environment! We only have this one earth!

When you go christmas (or other!) shopping, please take bags with you from home so that you don't need a plastic bag each time you are in a shop. Ask the sellers not to give you a plastic bag but put the new things in fabric bags you brought from home.
You don't have some? You can buy cheap bags like those or you can sew them even perhaps yorself from old clothes you don't wear anymore. It is not that hard to do. Ask people you know who have sewing skills to help you, perhaps. So you even don't need to throw away old clothes.
You can wash them after shopping and re-use them again and again.

Clawdeen also loves to use old t-shirts and other clothing for making new clothes for us.

When you get wrapped up gifts, please be careful with unwrapping.
Unwrap them slowly and save the paper.
Cutting off bad pieces afterwards and folding them carefully, you can use them once more or perhaps often.
Fold the papers into a box and use them again next year, if it is gift wrap paper with christmas motives.
You also can save money this way, not having to buy new gift wrap each time you make a gift.
You can use it for smaller gifts, perhaps, or for crafting.
Gift papers like shown in the picture above are perfect for re-using them.
How about wrapping small empty boxes for your dolls, as christmas decoration for your doll houses?
Or using them as wall papers for the rooms of your dolls?
Or glueing them on postcards, as motives?

Please do the same with used ribbons. Save them. Don't throw them away after unwrapping a gift.
When you have broad ones you may also make doll clothing from them. Our Frankie and our Cleo for example have skirts from old gift ribbons. Clawdeen even made bags from them, like a little hand bag for Catrine.

You can re-use most of the stuff.
Please don't mess up our planet with more plastic or old paper then you really need.
It is so important!

Of course our planet isn't saved when you are the only one doing so. But the more people do, the more it helps. Be one of them, please.

Now, that was all for today.

Tomorrow is Friday, and today is the last chance to win our christmas Operetta!
Just follow the rules in the christmas giveaway post. Tomorrow morning it is closed and we will draw lots.

Now I hope you have a great advent!

Kisses, Venus! <3

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