Friday, August 15, 2014

Some new fashion

Hi friends, here's Clawdeen again!

I have some fashion news for you, but first I tell you again where I went walking last time. Its 2 weeks ago, meanwhile, but last week I posted those pics of superhappy dolls, and this week I wasn't out walking.

The photo was taken on a hill named "Hohe Bracht" near us. As everywhere in this region, there is enough wood, and as a werwolf, of course I love strolling in the forests. On the "Hohe Bracht" there is also a lookout tower and a restaurant, but I left that place out because it is always full of normies. In winter, you can do skiing here also. The town you see downhills in the background is called Lennestadt.

But now, as I promised you, the lastest fashion news.

Since it is not far from the autumn, I started making a fall clothes collection. For some of the ghouls, I have made some before, but this year, the first one is for Catrine. It is a black crochet skirt and striped pullover that fits, and a dark purple cap with holes for her ears (which you cannot see on the picture.)

This is what I came up with for my brother. At the end, its more spring then fall fashion, but he likes it. The shirt was made from an old self made Ken shirt . (Yes, I never told you there are living a lot of Barbie dolls here as well!) The shoes are from Hasbro's Paul doll, I think, but Clawd is glad they fit because he only has those sandals and those ar not really fall or winter shoes.

Yeah, I visited Barbie living here and she gave me some old stuff I could use for doing new fashion for my Monster High friends.

For Nefera, I made another party dress  from an old Barbie Charleston dress. The acessoires that came with the dress were not okay anymore, there had been a feather boa but the feathers meanwhile fell out and ruined the fitting velvet gloves alot. Maybe I will use the rest of those accessories for other outfits. Fact is, this Charleston dress was perfect for Nefera.

One of the best thing was, Barbie gave some really cool accessoires to us. These earrings Ghoulia wears were just one clawsome pair we now have, there are some more. They are not really Barbie accessoires, they had been all fake, but I so love them. I also found a green pair and a black and gold drops and more. They will be spread amongst my friends during the next weeks.

But for this week, thats all. Bye for today. I cannot tell you what I may come up with next week, it depends on which of my friends comes and want new clothes, where Cleo or I may go to or on other ideas I have for future posts.

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