Saturday, March 2, 2019

Carnival 2019

Helau and Alaaf Blogmonsters,

Here's Clawdeen Wolf with the weekly blogspot.

And yes, we are in the mid of what is so called the fifth season:

And, as every year, I have created a new carnival costume for one of my friends.

This year it is for Ghoulia.

Here is how it originally had been planned, but it came out very different. The sketch is one of the oldest in my sketchbooks, so it was about time to realize it now.

I didn't make a gun belt for her. Calaminthe found some belt buckles for dolls, but has to order those first.

The napkin is also missing. And at least, the planned skirt is also not done.

Here is what I came up with:

With the hat, I really had good luck.
Calaminthe found this one two years ago in Kodi. It was attatched to a human carnival headband but had just the right size for us MH dolls.

I just had to carefully cut it off the headband.

I created a blouse from blue checkered fabric, added a collar and also a fake "button" front.
That green piece of ribbon has silver in the middle and is just glued on with textile glue. 

Over it, I made a cute vest from bisque velours fabric looking like a leather vest.
It is my favourite piece of Ghoulia's costume.

Instead of a skirt, I came up with jeans.

They are tight and have a tiny little bit of a bell bottom.

At the side, I glued on little star shaped paillettes.

Here is the whole carnival costume from the side. I think it came out quite nieceley, even when different from what I originally planned.

And here you see Ghoulia frontal.

At the end, I really like how it came out, though I still miss the gun belt and maybe the napkin, and some cowboy boots.

Nevertheless, Ghoulia likes it. And it is just a carnival costume.
Maybe I can add the missing accessories later.

we are now celebrating the fifth year since I started making carnival costumes, and here are the five I came up with so far:

Ghoulia Yelps is dressed up as Cowghoul, Toralei Stripe as a mouse, Operetta goes as "Funkenmariechen", I am a Hula Ghoul and Cleo deNile is a peacock!

Well, time to say goodbye and make a little doll party here in the house!
Helau, Alaaf, have a fangtastic weekend and a clawsome week!


Clawdeen Wolf

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